1. Favourite Male Character
Aaron Livesy because I just love his whole storyline all together.
2. Least Favourite Male Character
Paddy Kirk because I just dislike his storyline at the moment as he's lying and cheating.
3. Favourite Female Character
Carly Hope. Even though at the start she seemed to be horrible as she used people for money but she's really nice now to everyone and her storyline this year seems good.
4. Least Favourite Female Character
Debbie Dingle. I just despise her character at the moment as soon as she picked Ross over Pete.
5. Favourite Couple
Vic and Adam
6. Least Favourite Couple

James and Emma
7. Favourite Siblings
Chas and Cain
8. Favourite Friendship
Aaron and Adam
9. Favourite Villian
Robert Sugden
10. Favourite Actor

Danny Miller. I think he's good with the whole depression and coming out story. He's a great actor with all the drama that his Character, Aaron has been through.
11. Favourite Actress
Eden Taylor-Draper. I think when she had the whole Gemma storyline she was amazing at acting even though she's not that older than me.
12. Character That Your Glad Left/Died
Cameron. He was a psycho and I was really sad when he killed Gennie.
13. Something You Wished Happened But Never Did
To be honest I would like it if Robert and Aaron weren't together because Robert is psycho and ruined his life.
14. Something You Wished Didn't Happen But Did
Gennie's death.
15. Favourite Storyline
I would have to say Belle's storyline when she killed Gemma. Also Aaron's storyline all together from before he came out and he was with Victoria to now when he's with Robert and dealing with depression.
16. Least Favourite Storyline
I actually don't know a storyline that I don't like. I honestly like all the story-lines they're either interesting or really filled with drama.
17. Favourite Current Storyline

Aaron's storyline how his dad comes back and his mum is falling for him again. How Aaron doesn't feel like he can trust anyone anymore so I think he's going to go back to Robert.
18. A Scene That Made You Cry
Jackson Death. Even though I was only 9 or 10, this made me really sad because I knew how much Aaron loves Jackson and just looking at this picture makes me upset.
19. Favourite Family
The dingles. Even though they're not much of a family as Zak cheated on Lisa but they shut Zak out and they still all have Lisa's back.
20. Favourite Quote

21. If You Could Bring Back Any Character Who Would It Be
Gennie or Katie.
22. Favourite Spin Off Movie
I don't know any.
23. A Character You Relate To
I don't really feel like I relate to a Character on Emmerdale.
24. A Character That Annoys You
Paddy Kirk because the whole cheating and how he tried to ruin the adoption thing.
25. Favourite Wedding
Ali and Ruby
26. The Death That Upset You The Most
Jackson's death.
27. A Character You'd Most Like To Be Like
To be honest I'd like to be like Victoria Sugden because of how confident she is and she's not really afraid to say what she thinks.
28. The Episode/Storyline That Shocked You The Most
When I found out Aaron had depression and self harmed after the Robron storyline.
29. What Would You Change About The Show
I actually don't know. I think it's honestly a good show but at the moment I don't want Aaron and Robert to be together.
30. What Made You Start Watching The Show
As you may can tell because of Aaron and Robert storyline. First I started watching it again because I thought Ryan Hawley was good looking but then I started getting more into it because Danny Miller is more good looking aha. I just like Aaron's character to be honest but I do feel sorry for him.
Hope everyone enjoyed this Tag and I would like the tag Blueeyedvoices.
Love, Luyanda.
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