Sunday 22 February 2015

New Blogger

Hey, my name is Luyanda and this is my first blog post.

I am going to be writing these blogs about random stuff. Random stuff like Fashion, Nail art, Advice, Tags and things i've been doing over time. I also hope I get some requests from you guys down in the comments. I will try and post frequently but not every week since I have loads going on. I got the idea to make a blog from my best friends Caitlyn ( and Nikki (

A bit about myself. I am 15 years old. I am in year 11 (The last year of secondary school). I love to write and on quotev I have been writing some script like stories. The link: (Sorry the first few might not be very clear but it gets better) I also love art and drawing. I will post some of my pieces in the future.

I can't wait to share my journey with you guys and experience new things.

Hope you enjoy.

Love, Luyanda.

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